Town and Country Players Entertain Maupin Daze Crowds with "Treachery at Cartilage Creek"
Over the Maupin Days weekend, the Town and Country Players offered three different performances of their western melodrama entitled “Treachery at Cartilage Creek.” The play was a classic melodrama complete with a villain, a hero and a heroine. Eleven local actors of varying ages came together along with about fifteen other community members to put on the first Town and Country production in over two years.
With social distancing and bans on social gatherings putting the small community theater group out of commission for sometime, both members of the theater group and the community who had followed them previously were delighted to finally have the group back on stage.
The play was directed by Marni McLucas Malefyt, careers and art teacher at South Wasco County High School. Marni is a first time director, though she had been a member of the theater group and performed in a variety of productions since the days when she attended South Wasco County High School as a student. She said that she was very lucky to be mentored by very talented directors who have been directing with the group since it first began. Jerri Parman, Marge Gustafson and Karletta Carrithers are long-time members of the Town and Country Players who have directed and performed in dozens of productions over the past four decades.
Also performing Maupin Days weekend was Megan Henson’s Middle School Theater Group, which is one of the middle school elective course options. Twelve actors performed a collection of Greek plays titled ‘An Evening in Athens’. Middle school theater and art students made the majority of the costumes and props with help from parents and community members.