2022 South Wasco Food Workshops: Shared Delicacies and Community Connections
South Wasco Alliance and The Barlow Gate Grange are partnering for a third year on food education and preservation workshops.
Workshops kicked off May 16 at the Simnasho Longhouse for a Traditional Foods Gathering and Preservation Education Demo. Delson Suppah, Sr., Warm Springs tribal elder, convened the event, which was attended by 12 participants from Wamic, Pine Hollow, Juniper Flats, Tygh Valley, and Wapinitia.
Tribal presenters, Shamona Charley and Jillisa Suppah, introduced guests to samples of salmon, camas, choke cherries, freshly made fry bread, and traditional foods featuring deer meat and other tribal delicacies. The food was prepared over many hours by Shamona, Jillisa, and Joyce Suppah. Camas, which is considered a sweet treat and tastes a bit like molasses, is painstakingly harvested and takes about a month to cook in an earthen underground stove (yes, a month). Preparing these traditional foods is an art, passed generation to generation. Shamona’s daughter helped the tribal women prepare the foods and set the table for guests, as generations have before her. It was an honor to be invited.
Delson also introduced guests to a fresh harvest of Xhumsii (wild celery), which grows plentiful around Tygh Valley, Maupin, and along Walters Road. Xhumsii is eaten by peeling off the outer skin and eating it fresh. As Delson shared, “it’s an exciting time for me and our Tribal Members....a delicacy!” Guest agreed, and enjoyed learning about this new food which is readily available off the land in our area.
The May 16th gathering was deeply underscored by a shared sentiment of wanting communities and people in South Wasco to connect with each other, share food, and learn together. More events like this will be scheduled in the future.
We welcome everyone in South Wasco to join us in upcoming events:
June 25, 2-5PM: Strawberry Jam, Pizza Dough, and Marinara Sauce
July 9, 2-5PM: Make Your Own Tamales!
July 16, 2-5PM: Soup Day and Salad in a Bag
Aug 6, 2-5PM: All About Pressure Canning!
Sept 10, 9AM-4PM: Take Home Freezer Meals!
Oct 15, 1-3PM: Holiday Gingerbread Houses!
All workshops are on Saturdays at the Barlow Gate Grange, 56960 Wamic Market Road, $5/supply fee. All workshops, except Pressure Canning (Aug 6), will include tastings and take-home goodies. Ingredients will be sourced locally as much as possible, including from the new South Wasco Farmers Market Opening June 18. Facilitators are hidden gems in our community, including Gabor Gardonyi, Gail Schiel, Evelia Ortis Saravis, Colette Cox, Lauren Kraemer (OSU Extension), Sharon Thornberry (Columbia Gorge Food Bank) and other gems who will step up to share their talents!
Register by clicking here or contact info@southwascoalliance.org