The Country Bazaar
Local crafters and bakers have been hard at work creating in preparation for the Country Bazaar that kicked off this past Friday at the Maupin Legion Hall. It has been a long wait for many wondering if they would be allowed to have the public event which was originally scheduled just after Thanksgiving but postponed due to COVID-19. Under current virus precautionary restrictions, the bazaar is limited to 50 people in the hall at one time and masks must be worn by all. When stepping inside the hall, you sign in at a table where sanitized pens are labeled in one cup and another cup provided for putting the pen in when done. A motion censored sanitizer station is provided next leading you around the room led by arrows on the floor to ensure everyone continues in one direction around the hall. The standard six foot social distancing rule applies, but the hall is big enough to accommodate.
When chatting a bit with neighbors about their crafts and buying a few things for loved ones, the country bazaar brings back those old memories of going to bazaars from years past with family and friends. I can’t tell you what I bought because that would take the surprise out of unwrapping gifts on Christmas morning but I can tell you the hall is filled with a variety of crafts from handcrafted jewelry, bags, wood turned bowls, quilted and knitted crafts, soaps, felted animals and more. Don’t forget to pick up some baked goods which have been donated by local bakers, all proceeds from baked goods go to support local women in need. The stage is also set up as a clothing exchange, which everyone is invited to drop off clothing you wish to donate or find something for yourself at no cost.