Local Cooking and Food Workshops Hosted by Barlow Gate Grange and South Wasco Alliance
Are you a fan of trying new recipes or learning new ways to cook fun, quick meals at home? Need an entertaining, family friendly activity for a Saturday?
You’re in luck!
The Barlow Gate Grange and South Wasco Alliance are partnering up to offer fun food workshops right here in South Wasco County!
Two successful workshops have already taken place to kick off the event schedule. The first was a Traditional Foods Gathering and Preservation Education Demo that took place on May 16, 2022 at the Simnasho Longhouse and the second was a strawberry jam making session on June 25, 2022 at the Barlow Gate Grange in Wamic.
The strawberry jam making session was taught by Wamic resident Gail Schiel using several different strawberry varieties. Participants were able to compare two strawberry varieties that were fresh from the field to store bought strawberries, and all agreed that the field strawberries that came directly from the farmer appeared noticeably darker in color and richer in taste. The freshly made strawberry jam was paired with homemade bread, generously provided by John Gambee, and vanilla ice cream for tasting, and all participants left with several containers of jam they made themselves.
If you’re bummed to miss out on fresh bread and jam, don’t worry because there’s plenty more workshops where that came from!
Below is the current schedule of workshops, but stay tuned because there may be more to come! Space is limited so make sure to RSVP, click here to reserve your spot. All workshops will be held at the Barlow Gate Grange in Wamic with an entry fee of $5 that you can pay at the door.
July 9, 2-5pm: Homemade Soup and Salad in a Bag
July 16, 10am-1pm: Make your own Tamales
August 6, 2-5pm: Pressure Canning Instruction Session
September 10, 9am-4pm: Take Home Freezer Meals Prep. Session
October 15, 1-3pm: Holiday Gingerbread House Making
Contact info@southwascoalliance.org with any questions or concerns. We hope to see you there!