Increasing Tourism Dollars: AgriTourism and Our Local Economy
Tourism abounds in our area with recreational activities such as rafting, fly fishing, cycling, hunting, larger events like the Wasco County Fair and the Cycle Oregon Tygh Valley Rally, and authentic small town events in and around Maupin, Dufur, Simnasho, Shaniko, Antelope, Wamic, and Pine Hollow that draw visitors to our area.
South Wasco tourism is already here, and there also are promising signs of new small businesses popping up that are not only complimentary to existing businesses, but also may encourage South Wasco visitors to stay longer and put more dollars into our local economy. Tourism dollars attracted to our area translate into dollars that flow to both South Wasco main street businesses (such as hotels, local markets, rafting and fishing outfitters, gas stations, restaurants, bars, retailers) and also to startups, home-based, and other local businesses that provide goods and services (such as tow trucks and auto mechanics, medical services, musicians, artisans, independent tour guides, craft vendors, small farmers, and local food producers).
AgriTourism is a way for rural communities to engage with visitors and offer unique experiences, often through locally grown food, food products, education and learning, farm and ranch tours, music, activities, and events (like hay rides or corn mazes), that deepen connection to our community and help locals secure a more stable living here in South Wasco. We know from other rural areas in Oregon that offering a wide range of options to know our community and the area better provides a positive and memorable experience for visitors that can make the difference between “just getting by” and thriving as a community. One example is the Central Oregon Farm and Ranch Tours in Prineville organized by the High Desert Food & Farm Alliance.